Rules & Regulations

The School expects every student to maintain proper decorum and good behaviour at all times. Bad language, bullying and disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated. Students against whom there are repeated complaints, or who are unable or unwilling to benefit from the system of education are liable for suspension or expulsion.

The School begins at 6-15 a.m. All students must attend General Assembly at 6-30 a.m. Attendance on the first day of the term and on the last working day of every term is compulsory. A fine of Rs. 500 per day will be collected from the students who are not present on the day, the school re-opens. However, after meeting the Principal, students will be permitted to attend class but will be marked absent for the day. 80% attendance is compulsory for each term as per the Council Rules. Prior permission should be sought from the Principal for leave of absence. Medical Certificate and leave letters should be brought on the day of rejoining School.

Fees shall be paid annually at the School Accounts Section. Fees shall be paid on the dates specified in the School Dairy. Fines will be collected for fees paid after the due date. Students are liable to have their names struck off the rolls for nonpayment of fees beyond the stipulated time. Late payments WILL attract a penalty of Rs.100 per day after due date.

Any destruction or defacing of School property will not be tolerated and must be made good by those responsible. Breakages in the laboratories and loss of books in the Library must be compensated / replaced. Students should not bring expensive watches, pens, gold , silver and other valuables to School.

Students are expected to come to School in the prescribed uniform and to be smartly groomed. Relevant books, neatly covered should be brought as per the time-table.

  • If parents wish to withdraw from the School. showing satisfactory reasons regarding .
  • Reasons for withdraw or expulsion of wards
  • Disobeying the rules of school
  • Suffering from prolonged ill health
  • A fail in promotional examination
  • Failure to pay the fees on time
  • If found unable to adjust with residential environment
  • Malpractice in the examination
  • Failure to produce necessary documents
  • Misbehavior.

Boys’ hair must be cut above the collar level. No fancy hair cuts are permitted.

Coloring of hair, inappropriate hair styling and body tattoos are not permissible. Low waist trousers or over sized clothes are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Parents are permitted to enter the school campus at every second Sunday only, they can meet the class teachers and the coaches concerned to enquire about the progress of their children if they want.

  • Parents should not give any money or costly things to their wards
  • Parents should not contact the children directly on phone but they can do through the Principal in case of emergency.
  • If the parents want to take back their children from the school in the middle of the academic year they may get the fee balance amount deducting half year’s fee.
  • Students are not permitted to go back home in the middle of the academic year.
  • Letters written by students or parents will be scrutinized by the school authority.

Attendance at Tests and Examinations is compulsory. (According to C. C. E)Malpractices in examinations will be viewed seriously. Offenders will be marked zero and they are likely to be suspended / expelled. The student is expected to pass in all the subjects for promotion to the next class. The School will follow the Cumulative Progress System of 10% of each Unit Test, 30% of Mid Term and Annual Examination for promotion to the next class. Under no circumstance re-examination is permitted. If any student is absent for test or examination due to any reason there will be no re-test conducted. 80% of attendance is compulsory to attend the final examination.

Parents are requested to co-operate in all our School activities. The students must be encouraged to take part in all the extra and co-curricular activities organized by the School.

Electronic devices / mobile phones are not permitted inside the School Campus. If confiscated for the first time they will have to pay a fine of Rs.1000. Repetition of the same offense will result in a fine of Rs.5000, and the gadget will be returned only at the end of the Academic Year.

Students are not allowed to bring large sums of money to the school or items of great value. Students should be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. School officials will not be responsible for loss of any item.

Students have to maintain perfect silence in the knowledge hub. Students have to take care of the library property. The Computer in the laboratory to be used only for academic purpose. They are not to be used for any form of entertainment